Distinguished Chef Series

Chef Series Hero Vladimir

Distinguished Chef Series

A Culinary Exhibition

The Distinguished Chefs Series follows the visit of world-class reputable chefs, who come once a term to give a guest lecture and prepare an exclusive dinner with students. We have had chefs from nearly every region in the world. They share their life stories, tips, and adventures, and inspire students to follow their passions. The dinner is a privileged moment for students to shadow a leading chef and to see first-hand how and exclusive, tailor-made dinner is prepared by the world's greatest chefs.

Episode 1

Chef Vladimir Mukhin

As part of the Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland - Distinguished Chef Series, in episode 1, we welcomed renowned Russian Chef and owner of White Rabbit Moscow, Vladimir Mukhin to our Le Bouveret campus. 

Episode 2

Chef Tony Olsson

In episode 2, we welcomed Olympic Gold winner and Swedish Pastry Chef, Tony Olsson to Lucerne campus. During his visit, Chef Olsson conducted multiple Swedish pastries and desserts workshops with our Swiss Grand Diploma in Pastry & Chocolate Arts students.

Episode 3

Chef Toshio Tanahashi

In episode 3 of the Distinguished Chef Series, Japanese Chef Toshio Tanahashi shares his philosophy on traditional Buddhist cuisine, Shõjin Ryōri, with our culinary students. 

Episode 4

Chef Vladimir Pak

In episode 4 of the Distinguished Chef Series, Michelin star Chef Vladimir Pak shares his expertise in Japanese Edomae Sushi and the Omakase dining experience.

Episode 5

Chef Laurent Suaudeau

For the last episode of the Distinguished Chef Series we welcomed the artisan of French gastronomy,  Chef Laurent Suadeau. Renowned across the world for his passion and dedication to the culinary arts. After training in France, he made his name in Rio de Janeiro, before opening his own restaurant, Laurent. He was recognised as ‘Chef of the Year’ by Gula magazine, honoured in France with the title of Chevalier de L'Ordre Du Mérite Agricole, and now lives to share his skills and knowledge with the next generation. 

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